Sample Development | Josh Blackwell Inspired
I'm really excited to share my Josh Blackwell inspired sample as I'm really over the moon with it! Like Josh does, I took an old plastic bag that I was probably going to throw away otherwise and started to develop and build up stitches and different embellishments.
I had no rhyme or reason for the patterns I was creating and I felt the more I wasn't thinking about I was doing and just went with the flow of creativity, the better my piece began to look. If I were to improve on it, I would have liked to have added a few more mediums to embellish and create with such as paints and different textures to stitch with but I think my combination of ribbons, yarns, wool and embroidery thread as well as some machine stitching works really well.
I also like the colours I've chosen - I wanted to use a variety of bright and colourful textures to compliment the purple bag I was using - and I think they work really well with the idea of the markets in mind and how bright and full of life and colour they are.
As I'm getting further and further to creating my final outcome, I think I'd like to create a similar piece on a bigger scale as a sort of art piece to again, showcase the the colours of the markets and all the different things being sold and the vibrancy of the people who shop there. I really enjoyed this technique and it made a nice and interesting change from stitching onto plain old fabric.
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