Sample Development | Market Words

Having looked into Harriet Popham and her way of embroidering stories onto her work - from the history of her family to things she's seen and heard in public - I really wanted to take this idea and make it my own based on my continued research and sample development into the Birmingham markets.

It's a very vivid and eclectic place not just visually but also to take a step back and really listen to what the people there are saying. I visited one afternoon and jotted down a few things the different vendors were saying and thought this would make a great Harriet Popham inspired piece and it would be a great opportunity to practise writing with embroidery on the sewing machine.

Overall, I'm happy with the sample I've created and it's probably one of my most enjoyable so far! I think it's a great way of visually communicating the words spoken at the markets and how the vendors sell their wares and I think it would look very interesting carried over onto my final outcome where I hope to showcase the markets even more in some sort of collage with all sorts going on, just like at the markets.

I'm really happy with the result of my stitching too as I think it replicates my hand writing perfectly which will add a lovely personal touch into any future outcomes I create. I had a play around with a couple of different colours too and I really like the contrast. Perhaps I'll use different colours that relate to the colours I've found at the markets in my future developments?
